Saturday (Day 62): Only a Train Ride Away
Careful not to wake anyone at the super mattress sleep over at flat 13, I sneaked back down to flat 1 in the early morning hours to finish packing for my 12:00 Noon train from Euston Station. Fortunately, my first solo travel adventure by train went smoothly, and before I knew it I was off to Macclesfield!
After falling asleep on the train and waking up in a state of panic that I had missed my stop (Macclesfield was not the last destination on the train’s route) I soon heard the conductor announce that my destination was the next stop. Lugging my suitcase, laptop bag, and purse off the train and onto the platform was no easy task. The maxim “travel light,” I have yet master.
The wait for Alex to arrive was brief, and it was a little disorienting to see her drive up in her car to pick me up. The Travers have been visiting us in the United States for years, and it was something completely different to know that I was about to be staying with them - AT THEIR HOUSE.
We stopped by my "home away from home, away from home" so I could say hi to the Travers' and drop off my bags before going into town. Our plan was to have a quick coffee in the village before we went to Mass. It was so good to see them all again! After Mass, the whole family and and I spent the rest of the night catching up before it was time to go to sleep to prepare for a big day of shopping in Manchester!
Friday (Day 61): School’s Out!
This morning's exam went well.
We're all done with classes!
Exams are officially over! Apart from the fact that my hand was ridiculously cramped by the end of the essay section, our Business Dynamics final had been a breeze. The guys created “super mattress” by taking all the mattresses from their bed frames and lining them up in their living room. We all hung out comfortably for the rest of the afternoon until some of us decided to go to the Roadhouse for the live band that plays there on Friday nights. They do "covers" of everything from Muse to Madonna, and we had a great time dancing and enjoying the first night of what was technically our summer vacation!

Later that night, we headed back to Flat 13 to have a “super mattress” sleepover, but not before I set my alarm> I was getting up early the next morning to head to Macclesfield to visit the Travers! Did I say that I can hardly wait?
There were other pictures, but that just wouldn't be right.