All Different, but Somehow the Same
Truthfully, we haven't spent a lot of time evaluating our intern opportunities. Some have been pretty high powered. A few of the guys have had to wear suits and ties every day. Some have "shadowed" mid-level managers, and did a lot of "observing." A few have been given tasks, with expectations that they work independently and meet specific deadlines. Others have found their work environments quiet, even a little lonely and repetative.
But you know what they say - "You get out, what you put in." - or something like that.
I LOVED my internship! The people were great and I learned so much. The specific assignments were not as rigorous as some, but they did offer a real chance to be creative, to practice computer and research skills, to explore dimensions of the theatre business that I had not given much thought or of which I was completely unaware. For me, the real value of the internship was as much interpersonal and attitudinal, as skill building. Maybe we'll compare notes a little more seriously at a post-semester get together!