So I was reading James Barbour's blog last night. I have just met him after seeing A Tale of Two Cities in New York. (This has only strengthened my desire to find Alan, while in London. British actors are soooooo cool). I've changed the template for this blog to match the one that he uses!
Anyway...I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. It seems like just yesterday that it was my first week at Villanova...and now we're already on fall break. Krista and I have booked our flights to London. We fly out on the 4th of January, and I am in the process of applying for my London Student Visa. I absolutely cannot wait to be in England. The anticipation is the hardest part, I hope.
On a completely unrelated note, I advise anyone reading this to see A Tale of Two Cities. I've always loved Charles Dickens and this is a brilliant musical. If you can manage to see it with the original cast, even better. Words can't describe the talent of that cast. It's right up there with Les Mis. I'm trying to get my parents to see it with me again before I leave for London. Fingers crossed!