Thursday (Day 108): Shakespeare as It Was Intended

Work at CPT went quickly today. I spent most of it composing copy and updating the CPT web site for an upcoming production. Tomorrow will be a sad day, my last with Matt and Freya.
The night before, Tuche and I had arranged to meet at a nearby Tube stop. The game that he had played all semester long - getting off one car, then entering another before the train moves on would come in handy, as this is how I joined up with him for our dinner at the Barrowboy and Banker. I could not resist having fish and chips one last time. Tuche had something a little more adventurous, but no less British - bangers and mash.
After a quick stuffing, it was off to the Globe for what we hoped would be a fitting final salute to British life and culture - Romeo and Juliet. As I had hoped, picking up tickets with a strange looking receipt, which the Concierge at my parents' hotel had provided, was a breeze and before we knew it was time for the play to begin.

It was easy to imagine being back in the time of Shakespeare himself. The actors were absolutely fantastic! I'm always surprised by the ease with which the "language of the day" glides off their tounges. No "like" or "uhhhhh" or "you know" for them! Oh, for the days of Jane and William - simply beautiful to hear.
One again, it turns out to be such a small world as I spied Maggie Cummings, from days at the Academy of Notre Dame toghther, among the "groundlings!" While our seats provided an absolutely fabulous vantage point, you can see from this picture that the early bird groundlings have the advantage of VERY close proxmity to the action! Fortunately, the pit is no longer used as a public restroom and those in attendance this night, seeemed much better behaved than those in earlier times.As the actors took their final bow, I could not help but think that we GCPers would be taking ours tomorrow at our respective intern sites. A sad moment, which only briefly repressed the excitement of our evening. It was capped off by a visit to yet another beautiful gift shop, before making our way back to the tube!