Thanks to my stay with the Travers family,
Pemberly is a dream no more.
What a GRAND time!
Saturday (Day 69): Looking for Mr. DarcyThis morning was what I had been looking forward to all week. Andrea, Alex and I got up early to visit Lyme Park, the estate house used as Pemberley in the filming of the BBC Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth. For anyone that has been with me when I’m about to do something that so closely relates to any of my numerous obsessions, my reaction upon driving up to the house will not come as a surprise. I was, quite literally, shaking with excitement, while reminding Alex that “Colin Firth had been here. RIGHT HERE”
Alex, not a huge Jane Austen fan, was still impressed by the size and beauty of the house’s exterior. Since we were there an hour before tours of the house actually began, we were able to wander around the gardens. Even though they weren’t in bloom yet, the grounds were absolutely stunning, and I was able to get some excellent shots of the house, from almost every angle imaginable. It was then that we decided to bring my parents here during their stay in April, so we can all hopefully see the gardens when they’re filled with flowers! The view from the lake was extraordinary and Andrea and I reminisced over our favorite moments from the film, as we traced the footsteps of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.
Soon it was time for our tour of the house’s interior. Walking through the courtyard to the front staircase, I could practically see Mr. Darcy running down the stone steps in a hasty attempt to catch Elizabeth before she leaves with her aunt and uncle. It was surreal, being in a place that I already knew so well from books and movies.
Although the inside of the house wasn’t used in the filming (another local estate house was used for the interior), it was absolutely stunning, and I was impressed by the family’s plans to renovate the library and actually open it to the public. Hopefully, one day after it’s finished, I’ll be able to visit again and spend an afternoon reading in Pemberley!During the tour, we stopped to listen to one of the guides who worked in the house during the filming of Pride and Prejudice. His stories were fascinating, and I wished I could have been in his place! What a GREAT job! After walking through the house, we had lunch on the grounds and went into the gift shop (where I spent a good deal of money!) before going back to the house to pick up the rest of the family for my good-bye dinner.
Alex and I packed my bags and headed back to the train station. I was sad to end my week with the Travers. It was the very best spring break ever!. Alex and I were able to set up a weekend for her to stay with me back at my ‘home’ in London. And I’ll be visiting in Prestbury for one more weekend with my parents. It will be here before I know it. Because of my participation in the Global Citizens Program, I’m planning to visit them more often!
Thursday and Friday (Days 67 & 68)The days were passing more quickly than I was hoping. I had some more time to myself during the day time, since the girls were in school. At nights Maddie, Alex and I had our own Wii tournaments or watched the programs planned for Red Nose Day, a fundraiser for projects in Africa and the United Kingdom that takes place every two years.
Wednesday (Day 66): A Night at the Movies This morning I went out on another shopping excursion with Mrs. Travers to the Trafford Center, a giant mall much like the King of Prussia Mall back home. Miraculously, I was able to talk myself out of spending more money as we went into store after store, although I did buy some "comforts of home" in the Selfridges Food Hall American section. The Double Stuffed Oreos and jars Jiff Peanut Butter were most welcome sights, and I was thrilled to make myself a delicious snack after our long day of shopping!
Later that night, after Alex got back from school, we drove into town for dinner and a movie. It was my first trip to a Mexican restaurant in three months, and it was absolutely wonderful! We grabbed some Ben & Jerry’s in the theater lobby before seeing The Young Victoria starring Emily Blunt (from The Devil Wears Prada) and Rupert Friend (from Pride and Prejudice!). The movie, as the title implies, tells the story of Queen Victoria’s ascent to power at a young age and her subsequent romance with Prince Albert. The film was excellent, and beautifully done. The soundtrack, like many period pieces, was also incredible. Hopefully, if the movie does well here, it will come to America so I can see it again! I know my friends at home would love it!
Tuesday (Day 65): School Visit!
This morning I had some time to myself while the girls were at school and Mr. and Mrs. Travers were at work. I took the opportunity to catch up with my e-mails, leave some video comments for my friends, and watch a movie until Alex arrived from school. After cooking dinner together, Maddie, Alex and I went to their school - Fallibroome - to see Harriette in a dance show.In the British school system, students who decide to continue with dance or music as one of their upper level classes must compose their own work and perform it to receive a grade. In preparation for their exams later in the week, the school put on a showcase of student work for family and friends. It doubled as a "practice test" of sorts. I was impressed by many of the dancers, especially Harriette and the piece that she choreographed hereself. The show was innovative and very well done. It was also nice to get to see Alex’s school and see something in their incredible auditorium!
Later back at the house, Alex showed me one of her favorite new British television shows before turning in for another night of sleep. I love spring break!
Monday (Day 64): Shopping of Another KindSince the girls were at school and Mrs. Travers had off work, we drove into another town to do some more shopping. It was a yet another great change of scenery, as we walked through the quaint town lined with specialty shops. We browsed for the afternoon and visited the nearby churchyard with purple flowers in bloom before getting lunch and returning to Macclesfield in time to pick up Maddie from school.
Alex and I spent the night talking about her day at school and watching a Mr. Bean Marathon that was a part of the British Comedy Channel’s Rowan Attkinson weekend. Definitely a great way to end the night!
Sunday (Day 63): Shopping in the CityThis morning Alex and I returned to the train station for ride into Manchester. The train ride was different than anything I had experienced in London, since Manchester is in the country. It was what I imagined the England of Jane Austen’s works and other English heritage pieces of literature to be like. I saw fields that seemed to stretch for miles filled with sheep and cows, old Victorian houses, and the entrances to great estates. Even the inner city of Manchester is more spread out than London, and was a nice change from my hectic city life. Alex took me into all of her favorite stores, and we spent the afternoon in dressing rooms and standing in check-out lines. It certainly was a productive day!
Before getting back on the train, Alex and I took a ride on the Manchester Eye, basically a miniature version of the London Eye that provides a bird’s eye view of the city. Unlike its London counterpart, however, the Manchester Eye carriages swing! The day was ridiculously windy and as we reached the top of the wheel, the sound of blowing wind reached our ears and our carriage began to sway.
Alex, who isn’t especially fond of heights, was pleased when we reached the ground, but her happiness was soon turned to disappointment as the wheel went around for a second time, and a third, and a fourth. By the end, both of us were happy to get off the wheel, but I was thankful for the opportunity to really get to see the city!
We returned to the house only to be ushered right back out to a local Carvery for a typical English meal. It's similar to a Sunday buffet in the States, with large roasts of beef, turkey and ham carved to order with vegtables to die for. It was delicious! Later, Alex and I watched a movie together to finish an excellent day in Prestbury!