I just got home from the first Global Citizens Program meeting that I've been able to attend! It was a good thing I could make it considering the details that were covered.
First, a schedule of events, of sorts. There's an orientation scavenger hunt when we first get to London which sounds interesting. Hopefully it will involve running around London taking pictures with random things! It's probably not, but hey, a girl can dream right? We have classes Monday through Thursday (AKA FRIDAYS OFF!), one class per day. We're all hoping that it will provide for lots of free time, especially considering that the format is lots of participation, one paper / presentation and a final exam!
We got various syllabi, which were exciting if you're a dork like me! The Business Dynamics syllabus is pretty basic, as is the Macroeconomics syllabus. The syllabus for Britons at Work looks a lot like the Britain section of my Comparative Government class at NDA, which will be magnificent! And last but certainly not least, British Culture and Ideas. The selected readings look awesome, especially Satanic Verses and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Fun stuff!
The resumes of our professors are HEAVY DUTY. Do they have resumes. I was excited to see that one of my professors is from Nottingham, which immediately made me think of Alan and his brilliant work in Robin Hood. (Anyone have a spoon handy?) I'm most impressed, however, by my Business Dynamics teacher, Nigel Vincent Knight (how British does that sound?). He's been an economic adviser to Parliament, the Royal Family, and the HSBC. Very impressive.
So overall, it was a great meeting. I'm sooooo excited for London and can't wait for the pre-departure orientation meeting with the London contact person, who arrives next week! Hooray!