Except for An Occasional Hangover?

I guess we'd have to say that our need for medical treatment has been - "knock on wood" - marginal. We have been able to "mind the gap" - no sprains, breaks or bends. There was that short outbreak of 48 hour stuff that a number of us suffered through. Only one of us co-eds was forced to seek medical attention at a free clinic.
You should check your medical insurance to see how they cover overseas expenses before leaving the States.
Practically all of us arrived with generous supplies of our favorite headache and upset stomach medications. Sleeping pills and laxatives aren't a bad idea either. You never know how the change in time zone, climate and diet will effect you.
There are "chemists" (that's British for pharmacy) nearby. Boots is a chain that you can find everywhere. It's like CVS or any other drug store chain in America. Many of the brands at Boots are unfamiliar though, so finding a good clerk for such purchases is essential. The closest clinic was a couple of tube stops away, so waiting until the last minute to head out is unwise.
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