Complaining Distresses Me So.
To be honest, we really didn't know what to expect when we arrived. Manson Place is adequate, but the living situation does leave a little to be desired.The co-ed flats for VU-GCPers are in the basement, I'm guessing because there are so few of us in comparison to the guys. There are no windows and only one bedroom for the four of us in Flat 1. Three share the one bedroom in Flat 2, and they have no common room. Meanwhile, the guys are upstairs in larger flats - two per bedroom, 6 or 8 per flat, with larger kitchens and common rooms. There is a public common room and a study space on the basement floor, which is convenient for us basement dwellers.
We all started out sharing our refrigerators and cooking dinners together. As time has gone on, many bedrooms, (which include metal bunks and single beds but not much else) and some common rooms resemble cyclone city. Although we have a cleaning service of sorts, they are not really equal to the task. Bathrooms and kitchens have become an issue.It's proven difficult to get even the smallest of our groups on the same page when it comes to neatness and cleanliness. Some Villanovans are traveling so frequently on weekends, that just keeping up with the laundry is a daunting task. Visiting family and friends provide the only motivation for neatening and cleaning.
I've taken to eating one big meal during lunch hour at work. I keep small snacks in my suitcase for the morning or evening when the mood strikes, but I have abandoned the kitchen all together.
GCPers who lived on campus fall semester have, I suppose, had an easier transition in this regard. As for me, I do admit that I miss my room at home, especially space for quiet time, a little privacy and space for my stuff!
We made friends with a few students from Boston University, who are also in London for the semester. Let's just say, their housing is sweet.
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