As a short break, amidst the craziness leading up to finals week, the group got all dressed up to go out to dinner - in celebration of Krista's nineteenth bithday! We were so excited to go to Benihana, a restaurant much like the local Hibacchis at home in the US.
After having a great time dancing around the flat with Krista while getting ready to go out and giving her the pink fluffy Disney Princess crown I got her for the occasion, we met the rest of our friends in the lobby. A quick cab ride later, we were seated at our table. We ordered our food and waited for the show to begin.
We were all impressed by our chef who set the grill aflame - really AFLAME and chopped anything and everything at blinding speed.
The traditional shrimp "toss and catch" went better than I ever could have expected. For the first time, I successfully caught a piece of flying shrimp in my mouth. The girls completely dominated the event, since none of the guys caught their shrimp, while four of the girls did. The fun and games led to some absolutely delicious food! We were completely stuffed by the end of the meal, feeling as if we would need to be carted back to our flats! What a great way to celebrate Krista’s birthday!

I have taken to passing Stress Reduction Kits out. Our mid week sightseeing plans have been cancelled in favor of catching up with papers, which are due next week, and trying to get a handle on what kind of preparation will be most effective for exams.

Let's hope everyone gets through next week.
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