Well, I've finally managed to finish my UK Student Visa Application. I consider completing it a small miracle. There are only so many ways I can assure people that I'm not, in fact, a terrorist and explain that my parents are American. If a study abroad program is in your future, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE with your application. There are a ton of questions to answer. They're all super specific. Now that I have finished it, we need to find an office in Philly to submit my finger prints and various supporting documents.
The next big task is to schedule an appointment to meet with the EUSA London contact to discuss potential internship sites. I'm so excited. I'm going to try to get an internship somehow related to publishing, theater or film. Past Villanova students have been placed with the BBC, which I think would be absolutely amazing.
I cannot wait for it to be January 4th, but with October almost gone I don't even want to think about how fast it's really going to come. It's CRAZY! But everyday in Business Dynamics class, sitting next to Krista, makes me more and more excited! I can't wait to actually post about Londony things instead of logistics and longings!
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